What is a 10-Panel Drug Test? - ARCpoint Labs of Seattle West
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What is a 10-Panel Drug Test?

by | Dec 23, 2023 | Uncategorized

Drug tests are common for a variety of reasons, though probably one of the most cited is for random testing for certain occupations. There are a variety of drug tests administered in a few different ways, including urine and blood testing. In general, the drug tests can range from four to 12 panels, or types of drugs that the test screens for. If you work in a job that includes a certain level of public safety and security, you may need to pass a 10-panel drug test.

Jobs that May Require a 10-Panel Drug Test

Most safety-sensitive jobs require at least a 10-panel drug test to ensure the people in those positions are not partaking of substances that could affect their ability to perform their duties. This includes a wide range of jobs that fall under the U.S. Department of Transportation, as well as some public safety positions such as security. Job titles may include but are not limited to the following:

  • School bus drivers
  • Pilots
  • Dispatchers
  • CDL holders
  • Flight attendants
  • Air traffic controllers
  • S. Coast Guard crew members
  • Train engineers
  • Armed security guards
  • Truck drivers

Drugs  that a 10-Panel Drug Test Detects

One of the most common questions people have is, what does a 10-panel drug test for? The standard 10-panel test is a urine test that looks for signs of the following types of drugs:

  • Amphetamines
  • Barbiturates
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Methadone
  • Opiates
  • PCP
  • Propoxyphene
  • Quaaludes

However, some employers may choose to swap out one of these panels to detect another type of drug. This may be more common as drugs such as marijuana become legal in more locations across the United States. Certain positions of public safety, such as law enforcement officers, may also require testing for additional types of drugs.

Detectability of Certain Drugs

Drugs work their way out of the body over time, but how long it takes for a drug to become undetectable through a urine test depends on the type of drug and frequency of use. For example, it takes three days for marijuana to work its way out of the body if you used it only once. However, if you are a heavy user of marijuana (using it more than once a day), it can take over a month to work its way out of your body.

Many drugs in a 10-panel test become undetectable in the urine after two to three days. Others may take a week or longer.

Possible 10-Panel Drug Test Results

There are three possible results from a 10-panel drug test: negative, positive, and inconclusive.

  • Negative: A negative result means the test did not detect any of the selected drug types in your urine. A negative result is reported to your employer.
  • Positive: A positive result means the test detected one or more types of the selected drugs in your urine. A positive result is reported to your employer, and you will likely be contacted about the next steps, which could include additional testing.
  • Inconclusive: An inconclusive result means the drug test was not able to clearly determine whether any of the selected drugs were in your urine. The result is reported to your employer, and you may require additional testing.

The consequences of a drug test result may depend on your job and the reason for the test. A positive result can occur when you are legally using medication that is then detected in a drug test. In some cases, however, a positive result may lead to losing a job.

Drug Testing in Seattle, WA

If you have to undergo a 10-panel drug test, you may have a lot of questions about the process, what to expect, and even what your rights are. Contact {Sub:BusinessName} for answers to all of your drug test questions and needs.

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