As workplace drug and alcohol testing has become increasingly common across the U.S., a growing number of employees and job candidates are seeking out ways to conceal their substance abuse. One of the most commonly searched questions is one that should make every employer concerned: how do you cheat on a drug test? However, with some useful knowledge and an excellent lab provider, you can avoid employees cheating on a drug test and secure the reliable results you need.
Cheating on a Drug Test is a Major Liability
You already know that substance abuse has no place in your business and that it can lead to a variety of serious problems. But were you aware that U.S. companies lose billions of dollars every year as a result of employee drug use?
Before you can truly understand the seriousness of drug test cheating, it’s vital that you have a “big picture” perspective on all the ways that employee substance abuse can harm your organization:
- Workplace injuries and accidents
- Lost productivity and poor performance
- Employee absenteeism
- Increased illness, sick time usage, and medical costs
Depending on the industry you’re in, drug testing positive rates can reach as high as 34 percent – that’s more than a third of your workforce. And when you factor in employees that cheat the drug testing system, the risk grows even more.
Subpar Testing Services
Subpar testing services offer far too many opportunities to cheat on a drug test Choosing the wrong testing provider is an easy mistake to make, especially when you aren’t sure how to select the best laboratory in your area. Unfortunately, if you aren’t utilizing a high-quality clinic for your testing, employees and job candidates alike can find ways to cheat.
For example, an individual can attempt to cheat on a urine drug test by:
- Bringing in another individual’s urine to submit for urine testing
- Utilizing synthetic urine
- Diluting the specimen
- Adding chemicals to the urine
- Ingesting something to alter test results
Thankfully, an experienced, professional lab provider has specific protocols that prevent cheating attempts such as these. For this reason, selecting a reputable laboratory is extremely important.
Employer drug testing policies can also make cheating easy
The way your workplace drug use policies are written and enforced can also inadvertently enable test cheaters? Evaluating your protocol to determine the best-fit testing method, location, and schedule can significantly reduce employees’ ability to undermine your testing efforts. Consider partnering with a professional like {Sub:BusinessName} to help you develop your policies, deliver training, and manage testing to optimize the process as much as possible.
Maximize Drug Testing Security and Accuracy with {Sub:BusinessName}
The most important thing for employers to know about employees cheating on drug tests is this: it’s a risk you absolutely cannot afford to take. But with an excellent drug testing policy, proper protocol, and a high-quality clinic like {Sub:BusinessName}, you can better protect your business.
All collectors at {Sub:BusinessName} are fully certified, and we abide by the industry’s best anti-cheating protocols. As true professionals in our field, we are the experts in drug testing integrity and accurate results. Not only do our employer drug testing solutions offer a wide range of options to suit your needs, but they also give you the peace of mind of knowing that you’ve selected a lab you can trust.
For the very best in workplace drug testing solutions, contact {Sub:BusinessName} today.