ARCpoint Labs of Christiansburg
(540) 251-5171

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Prenatal Paternity Testing

Accurate, Reliable and Confidential Prenatal Paternity Testing

ARCpoint Labs offers advanced prenatal paternity testing services, providing you with accurate and reliable results during your pregnancy journey. We understand the importance of knowing the truth and its impact on your family’s future. 

HSA & FSA Accepted


Uncertainty about the biological father during pregnancy

Legal reasons requiring paternity confirmation

Desire to establish paternity before the baby is born

Seeking peace of mind and emotional closure for you and your baby

Take action today and discover the truth through our prenatal paternity testing. It’s a proactive step towards clarity and ensuring a stable future for your family.


Select your test by clicking the ‘Search For Tests” link in the image above. Alternatively, you can click the ‘View All Tests’ button in the top right area of this page.

Our qualified staff will ensure any oral, urine, hair, or blood samples are collected without contamination, leading to trusted results.

After you receive your lab results you’ll be empowered with the information you need for the next steps in your health journey!


  • Early Detection: Our prenatal paternity testing can be performed as early as the 8th week of pregnancy, allowing you to gain peace of mind and plan accordingly.
  • Non-Invasive and Safe: Our testing procedure is completely non-invasive, posing no risk to you or your baby. We use specialized techniques to analyze the baby’s DNA from a simple blood sample provided by the mother.
  • Highly Accurate Results: With our advanced technology and rigorous testing protocols, we offer results with a high level of accuracy, giving you confidence in the outcome.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: We understand the sensitive nature of prenatal testing. Your privacy is our priority, and we ensure strict confidentiality throughout the entire process.

HSA & FSA Accepted

Take Control of Your Parental Journey

ARCpoint Labs is your trusted partner in prenatal paternity testing. We are committed to providing you with accurate and reliable results, giving you the peace of mind you deserve. Don’t let uncertainty overshadow this special time in your life. Contact us today to schedule a prenatal paternity test and take the first step towards clarity and a secure future for you and your baby.

HSA & FSA Accepted

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